Day Three: Freshen up

What, precisely, is freshening up? 

First thing after waking, we typically engage in a few tasks in our lavatories. We will refer to some of the activities within as freshening up. You'll likely have some kind of routine already, as most of us do, but this one expands slightly to help you start your day the freshest that you can.

A typical, get-started-for-the-day routine can be as follows

  • Scrape tongue
  • Brush and floss teeth
  • Use mouthwash
  • Washing your face with a dampened face cloth that is cool to touch.
  • Taking out any nighttime hair accoutrements (e.g. hair rollers)
  • Brush hair
  • Apply lipbalm and face lotion
  • Apply deodorant
You can replace flossing with using something like a waterpick. If you have a routine in place already which dictates that you use cleanser in the morning, then substitute that with the dampened face cloth routine. 

At this point it isn't necessary to have your full face of makeup done yet, as this will come later in the program. That being said, flexibility is key with these programs and if you are a person who enjoys getting up and putting on makeup after cleansing, then please add that into this time slot. 

For reference, this is your Daily Schedule

Day Three: Freshen up Day Three: Freshen up Reviewed by Mrs Wife on May 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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