There are numerous virtues of fresh air 1, and luckily it's a free source! Today, once you've thrown back your covers, you will need to open the curtains, drapes, blinds etc. and open your windows for ten minutes to let in that lovely fresh air.
Being mindful, Mrs Wife is aware that the outdoor air isn't always the freshest, particularly if one lives in a large urban area with much smog. Should you have an indoor air filter, ensure that it gets switched on promptly, but open those blinds and/or curtains and take in the morning sky.
Winter isn't an excuse to avoid opening windows! Open windows slightly and for only five minutes to get brisk, but fresh, air into your rooms. In deep winter, it is not advisable to open all windows in the home at once, and room-by-room is preferred to avoid dropping the temperature of the home too far.

For reference, this is your Daily Schedule

Day Two: Open up Blinds and Windows
Reviewed by Mrs Wife
April 28, 2022