Day Six: Shower, Do Hair and Makeup, Get Dressed

 Now that the daily sweat session has been attended to, cleanliness of the body is the task at hand. 


After any equipment has been cleared away properly, it's time to turn the attention to yourself. 

A shower need not be a long affair, but it will set one up for a fresh day. It's not necessary to wash the hair daily 1 but if that is part of your typical cleanliness routine, feel free too add it here. It would be advisable, as well, to wash the hair if the exercise that one has taken part in has left them sweaty from exertion. Dry shampoo is acceptable in a pinch and if time doesn't permit. 

Hair that needn't be washed can be safely ensconced in a reusable shower cap (a responsible wife finds reusable at every instance), to avoid any bath product or moisture from getting on the hair. 

Be quick and thorough, using your most beloved soaps, body washes and cloths, to clean the body, paying particular attention to the underarms and the feet as these areas can become fragrant, particularly after exercising. Choose a fragrance that will leave you feeling peppy, clean and invigorated. Save the lavender and chamomile for nighttime bathing, as these can have calming properties. Think of something like gentle mint, eucalyptus or citrus.

Note on scents: scents can be irritating to some's skin, so it's very important to know what your skin can and cannot tolerate. If scents bother your olfactory centres or your skin, avoid the use of any fragrance and choose a fragrance-free or an irritant-free soap or body wash. You know your body best, and make a good choice for yourself. If you have any concerns, it's important to find a dermatologist in your area to have a consultation. 

After your bath, it's time to do your hair and makeup, and get dressed. A productive wife tip is to choose your outfit the day before, but we will cover that in another session. 


Makeup, hair and dressing will be your choice, but be sure to choose wisely. If you need to meet up with friend or make errands, you may want to add a little more than a cursory swipe of lip gloss. 

Are you someone who reacts poorly to most, if not all, makeup and avoid it? Please continue to avoid it, there is no sense in putting on makeup if it will cause rashes, swellings or allergic reactions. 

The main takeaway idea is to spend a few minutes on yourself so that you feel that you look and feel your best for the day ahead. That will vary from day to day, and there may be some days that, if you choose to wear makeup, that you want to put on more, and days where you feel like all you'll be able to manage is mascara. 

Choose what works for you, but don't skip this step completely. Perhaps you are able to use some lovely face cream after your shower, or a sweet scented body lotion - or, even everything completely unscented. Spend just a few moments on yourself because you matter and how you feel matters. 

In terms of dress

Your grandmother would likely not be caught without a house dress on, something that was a staple in the housewife's wardrobe. These are hard wearing, made for house work dresses that were not usually particularly fancy, but were very perfunctory. They served their jobs well and allowed freedom of movement during the day. 

So many times when we hear that someone wears dresses, our minds instantly go to something frou-frou, puffy, and/or not suitable for the days tasks at hand. Dresses are not mandatory for the housewife, but you are strongly encouraged to take yourself out of workout wear and to put on other suitable day clothes. With the variety of wash and wear trousers and tops, one needn't worry about the comfort level of your clothing. It would be lovely to make a return to the house dress, but that is not something that everyone is capable of doing. Please ensure any clothing chosen for the day is clean and remains free from dirt, holes and stains. 

Please note: those with physical restrictions may be exempt from the exercise clothing "rule" ("rule" said in jest) due to medical equipment or disabilities. Please choose what will fit with your lifestyle and abilities - but please make sure there aren't any unnecessary holes in your clothes.

Getting dressed in something new and fresh for the day can set a lovely tone for the remainder of the day, and can help adjust your mood 2.

Using what you have

It may be tempting to go out and purchase a brand new wardrobe, new creams and new makeup, but that isn't necessarily being a good steward of the money that you have. The wartime wife in the UK lived by the adage of Make Do and Mend 3 which sought out to make do with what you already have, and to mend those things until they are no longer usable at all.

Now can be a time for you to take a good, hard look at these areas - but don't get overwhelmed. This is not a necessary task to add onto your busy days, but it is something which should always be kept on the radar of the housewife. 

Use up all of your shampoo and conditioner, and body washes and soaps before going out to purchase any more. Toss out any expired makeup and resolve to only replace what you are truly going to use. Is there unopened makeup that you haven't the intention to use? Perhaps a friend of family member would appreciate it. Do not gift used makeup, it can be a hygiene hazard.

Do you truthfully need a new wardrobe? Likely not, so wear what you like from what you have, repair what needs to be repaired, and reuse what you don't (those old, holey, stained t-shirts make fabulous cleaning up rags or can be saved to make a rag rug in the future). 

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

The products listed below are merely suggestions - don't feel an obligation to use these. You know your body best, and some items could cause irritation. 

Cosmetics case

simple day dress
Day Six: Shower, Do Hair and Makeup, Get Dressed Day Six: Shower, Do Hair and Makeup, Get Dressed Reviewed by Mrs Wife on May 26, 2022 Rating: 5

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