Day Five: Complete a 10 Minute Exercise Regime

Depending on where one lives, the inactivity rate can be as high as 47.7% for adults 1. That is a staggering number of individuals claiming inactivity. The key to longevity and injury prevention is remaining active and movement throughout your day. The traditional housewife knew that a little bit of exercise daily is important. 

NOTE: Please always check with your healthcare professional before beginning exercise routines or regimes 2.

Throw out your notions that one must attend the gym for several hours per session. That may be a goal that can be worked toward, but to begin there will result in certain failure. Begin simply, easily, and calmly by incorporating a ten minute exercise regime into your mornings each day. A little each day is better than lots once in a while. 

The vintage housewife may have looked to television and found Jack Lalanne as her source of inspiration for her daily movement. In this day in age, you too can find Jack Lalanne exercises on YouTube, but you may also want to try your hand at something else as well. The activity doesn't have to be that of the vintage housewife, but for someone who may not have a single piece of exercise equipment, something similar may be beneficial as there are many types of weight-and-equipment-free exercises to be found.

Perhaps you had a thriving yoga practice, before you were married or had children. This is a perfect time to find your mat and to practice for ten minutes per day

The important part of this part of your morning routine is to have ten minutes of movement.

Remember: begin simply and carefully after checking with your doctor. This is particularly important for those with chronic illness or injuries, as healthcare professionals will be versed in that which is appropriate for your particular situation. Never take the word of a blog post over that of your trusted medical professional. 

For reference, this is your Daily Schedule

Day Five: Complete a 10 Minute Exercise Regime Day Five: Complete a 10 Minute Exercise Regime Reviewed by Mrs Wife on May 19, 2022 Rating: 5

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